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Old Sarum Nursery's Local Offer for Children with
Special Education Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)

This section aims to enable families to see the support that they would receive for their child at Old Sarum Nursery. It provides clear information about what we have in place to help your child achieve to their full potential. We work within the guidance of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework to promote each child’s learning and development, and to endeavour to meet their individual needs.

How does Old Sarum Nursery know if children need extra help, and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs or disabilities? 


Initially we arrange for parents to visit the setting with their child.  We introduce you to your child’s key worker and take time getting to know your child, working with you to complete an ‘All about Me’ document and ‘One Page Profile’. If you have any concerns at this point about your child’s development we would discuss this with you and put in place any support required.


We regularly observe, monitor and assess all children through the use of our online learning journals, recorded via Tapestry.



How will Old Sarum Nursery staff support my child?


Each child is allocated a key person who will be responsible for monitoring their progress.  We have high adult-to-child ratios, ensuring that all children receive the individual support that they require. We have a SENCo who attends regular training, and children are monitored both individually and as a group.



How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?


Through ongoing assessment keyworkers plan for their individual children, based on their interest and next steps, ensuring they can access all areas of the provision. 



How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?


Old Sarum Nursery has an open door policy and you are welcome to speak to us at any time about your child’s development.  Our online learning journals provide us with a monitoring tool that enables us to identify any additional support required.  Our highly qualified staff team ensures children’s needs are quickly identified and supported, this in turn is cascaded to parents. 



What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?


Old Sarum Nursery has a detailed policies and procedures in place that ensure your child’s wellbeing.   We have clear policies for the administration of medication, and for providing personal care.   We pride ourselves on being an inclusive provision ensuring children with behavioural  difficulties are supported and included in the setting.  Through close relationships with the children and their key workers  we ensure all children feel valued and  supported.  Staff receive regular training to ensure a consistent approach is given to all children.



What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by Old Sarum Nursery?


Our staff team is highly qualified Early Years Education.  We have formed close links with outside agencies, including the Speech and Language Therapists,  local schools, health visitors and the Children’s Centre.



What training are the staff supporting children with SEND had or having?


Our Manager is responsible for ensuring our staff team has training in all areas and is responsible for managing individual training plans and providing training sessions when required.  All staff receive training in behaviour management, speech and language and assessing children’s development.  The SENCo attends termly network meetings to remain up to date with current policies and procedures.



How will my child be included in activities outside Old Sarum Nursery including school trips?


We include all children in trips and outings.  This will include visits to local schools, farm parks and parks.  Where necessary any additional support is put in place through discussion with the parents and by carrying out risk assessments.



How accessible is Old Sarum Nursery?


Old Sarum Nursery is accessible to all with additional facilities where necessary.  We support families whose first language is not english through signage and ICT equipment and additional support from outside agencies will be sourced if required.



How will Old Sarum Nursery prepare and support my child to join the setting, and transfer to a new setting/school? 


When children join Old Sarum Nursery we offer a flexible settling in policy.  All children are initially invited to visit the setting to familiarise themselves with the environment and their key worker.  When the child starts with us, their  needs are monitored on a daily basis with parents being regularly informed via text or phone calls to ensure they are involved in any decisions made until the child has settled.


We have close links with Old Sarum Primary school to ensure smooth transitions, this includes visits for story time during the last two terms prior to transition to school.  EarlyGroup and individual transition meetings are arranged as required.  The schools provide us with books providing photo’s of the Early years classroom to facilitate discussions at Old Sarum.



How are the Old Sarum Nursery resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?


All children’s individual needs are closely monitored and where additional equipment is required this is either purchased or sourced from the local toy libraries.  Where necessary we will access additional funding to provide specialist equipment.  We regularly review all our equipment to ensure it supports the Early Years Foundation Stage.



How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?


The decision is made through ongoing detailed assessments and individually tailored observation records and associated activity planning identifying achievable next steps.



How are parents involved in Old Sarum Nursery? How can I be involved?


Old Sarum Nursery has an open door policy and we promote and value all parents views and opinions.  We carry out annual parent questionnaires asking for feedback on our provision.  We encourage parents to email or phone us directly if they have any comments or concerns. We encourage ongoing dialogue with their child’s key worker and we produce a newsletter.   Parents are invited to join the committee and  are encouraged to share their interests and skills.



Who can I contact for further information?


Angie Riley, Nursery Manager, or your child’s key person are always accessible for you to contact for an initial chat. We always encourage prospective parents/carers and children to visit us. You can observe the children in the setting and discuss your child’s interests and needs. 

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